​Grace Life Church

Proclaiming Jesus Christ and the Gospel of God's Grace

We proclaim Jesus Christ and the amazing gospel of God's grace! The glorious message of God's grace must be taken to the world!

The gospel of the grace of God must be taught and preached boldly! It is THE GOSPEL! The Bible makes this very clear (Acts 20:24). Tragically, it is very difficult to find churches where the gospel of grace is correctly and consistently proclaimed. Instead, the church is dominated by the man-focused institutional church system, legalism, the health and wealth gospel, experience chasing, and other forms of false teaching and unbiblical practices. We offer a fellowship that is free from all that! Our church started in Sycamore, IL (60 miles west of Chicago) in 2010 and then we moved our grace ministry to northern Alabama in 2019.   

We meet in homes in the Huntsville area. In our gatherings we are all involved, interacting, and edified as prescribed in God's word (1 Cor. 14:26-33). We consistently focus on Jesus Christ and the incredible riches of God's grace to us in Him! In the Huntsville area we invite you to listen to our live Sunday morning radio program, 10-10:30 on WKAC Radio 1080 AM. “The Stephen J. Moll Podcast” can be viewed on YouTube:      


Come and join us! We would love to fellowship with you and encourage you. You will also be an encouragement to us as a fellow saint. If you have any questions, please contact us at 256-740-7852 or by email at stephenmollgracelife@gmail.com.   

May God's grace be with you!

​​Stephen J. Moll

"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."

Gal. 2:20

"He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all -- how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?"

Rom. 8:32

Grace Life Church

Please tune in to our live radio messages that serve people in the Huntsville area, northern Alabama, and southern Tennessee!


10:00 AM - Sunday Mornings

WKAC 1080 AM - Athens, AL

