Grace Life Church
Proclaiming Jesus Christ and the Gospel of God's Grace
Grace Life Church is dedicated to proclaiming Jesus Christ and the gospel of God's incredible grace (Acts 20:24)! Even though the gospel of grace is clearly in the Bible and it's the gospel God wants preached today, it's very difficult to find in most churches. This is the great tragedy that hurts members of the church, the Body of Christ, because the saints are not being built up spiritually in the sound doctrine of the grace gospel. Therefore, God has given us a strong desire and passion to proclaim it in our community and worldwide!
Our church has proclaimed the message of grace since 2010 when we started meeting just outside of Chicago in Sycamore, IL. Since my wife and I moved to the Huntsville, AL area in 2019, my strong desire is to reach as many people as possible with the incredible gospel of grace! We have our church services in homes as we follow the Bible's instructions that all the saints should have the opportunity to be involved, interacting, and sharing God's word when they gather (1 Cor. 14:26-33). We want to help believers experience, rejoice, and rest in the grace life! This is the eternal and abundant life God gives us in His Son, Jesus Christ. It's a life of freedom and joy that all believers can experience in Christ!
We focus on what God is doing today in the age of grace -- forming the church, the Body of Christ. The Bible makes it clear that God's program for the church today is separate and distinct from His program for Israel found in the Old Testament. The failure to understand the clear distinction that the church is NOT Israel and Israel is NOT the church has plagued the church ever since it began nearly 2,000 years ago! The resulting tragedy is that countless believers through the centuries have put themselves in bondage to religion by trying to live their Christian lives by mixing law (God's program for Israel) and grace (God's program for the church, the Body of Christ). This only produces confused and frustrated believers who are NOT experiencing real spiritual growth!
The Bible makes it clear that mixing law and grace will never work because God didn't design it to work (Rom. 11:6)! Living under any kind of a law or rules system only produces confusion, frustration, and a joyless Christian life. Unfortunately, you've probably experienced this for yourself!
Fortunately, God has a far better way for you and I to live! God wants believers today to live under His grace (Rom. 6:14)! You can only experience spiritual victory in your Christian life by living under God's grace (Titus 2:11-13)! Contrary to human viewpoint, God's grace actually motivates you to SIN LESS!
Our ministry helps believers rest in the great and empowering truth that Christ lives in us, we're united with Him in spirit (1 Cor. 6:17), and He wants to live His life through us (Gal. 2:20)! We certainly don't deserve these incredible blessings. Only because of God's great love and grace have we been so completely and richly blessed (Eph. 1:3, 2 Pet. 1:3).
God's grace frees believers from the bondage and frustration of trying to live their Christian lives the wrong way. Grace liberates us from the burdensome demands of the Mosaic Law which God gave to Israel. Grace frees us from the demands and requirements of other rule systems, traditions, and performance systems that men have devised (not God) in order to try to gain God's forgiveness, please Him, be accepted by Him, receive blessings, and try to experience spiritual growth.
Unfortunately, this is the program you will find in most churches today. Living your Christian life that way puts you under the control of religion! It leads to a superficial Christian life and sucks the joy right out of it. You will not produce true spiritual fruit living this way (Phil. 1:11, Gal. 5:22-23). God wants you to be free from that "yoke of slavery" because Jesus Christ has set you free (Gal. 5:1)!
God wants you to understand and rest in the wonderful reality that CHRIST IS YOUR LIFE (Col. 3:3-4) and you have an amazing new IDENTITY IN CHRIST -- totally forgiven, have the righteousness of God, and possess eternal life! As we rest by faith in our identity in Christ and Christ living in us and through us (Gal. 2:20), God works in us (Phil. 1:6) to grow us spiritually and produce the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23). This is God's way to produce in us good works that have eternal value (1 Cor. 3:11-13; Eph. 2:10).
This is the foundation of what our ministry proclaims and teaches! It's all about Jesus Christ and what He's DONE for us and what He's DOING in us!
I consider it a great honor and privilege to be involved in what God is doing today in the age of grace (Eph. 3:2, 8-9) as He forms the church, the Body of Christ! The Bible says God "wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth" (1 Tim. 2:4). It's very exciting to be used by God in the work He is doing today!
If you're looking for a fellowship that is serious about helping you grow in your personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ, relying exclusively on a proper understanding of God's word to you, then we're the church for you!
If you're looking for a church where living the grace life is the issue -- not living under the Law of Moses or the institutional church system -- then we're the church for you! If you're looking for a church where our amazing union with Christ is celebrated -- not following man-made programs, traditions, human viewpoint, or rules that leave believers confused, empty, and burned out -- then we're the church for you!
Have you had it with "playing church" -- doing things because you've been pressured to do them or because everyone else is doing them? Are you just going through the motions as you find yourself stuck on the religious treadmill like so many other believers? If so, it's time to stop all that!
If you live in the Huntsville area, we invite you to our Sunday morning home church meetings. You can also listen to grace messages on the radio Sunday mornings at 10 AM on WKAC Radio - 1080 AM! The radio messages are also on YouTube and in our audios library.
Please call or text me at 256-740-7852 if you would like attend our home gatherings or if have any questions. My email address is We would love for you to join us.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
Stephen J. Moll
"For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory."
Col. 3:3-4